Our Sunday morning worship service is held at 10.30 a.m.
Chapel is an intentionally diverse religious community. We welcome people of all faiths or none, regardless of gender, race, sexual identity, country of origin or abilities.
As a congregation, we unite in the spirit of Jesus for the worship of God and the service of humankind, always valuing the virtues of freedom, reason and tolerance. We are non-creedal, and do not require our members or visitors to subscribe to any set of teachings or religious practices. Everyone is welcome to join us for worship and other activities, free from any test or requirements.
Young people are welcome to attend our services. The Junior Church normally attends the first ten minutes of the Sunday morning service, after which they move to a separate room for their scheduled activites, under the leadership of several members of the congregation who have passed their Criminal Records Bureau check.
The congregation is a member of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, whose object is as follows:
“To promote a free and inquiring religion through the worship of God and the celebration of life; the service of humanity and respect for all creation; and the upholding of the liberal Christian tradition.”
The congregation is also a member of the North and East Lancashire Unitarian Mission, which is the District Association of the General Assembly for our region.
Charity number: 1174964
Lancashire Collaborative Ministry CIO, 2022