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Image by Sinitta Leunen
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*Our service rota is subject to change




Padiham Sunday Services and Flowers  

All services begin at 10:30am (unless otherwise stated), with an  opportunity to socialise and drinks provided after the service. For those  who are unable to join us the services will be streamed live on Zoom:  



7th: Rev’d Dr Shannon Ledbetter 

14th: Pamela Hopcroft 

21st: Rev’d Dr Shannon Ledbetter 

27th: 150th Anniversary Service (from 4pm) 

Led by Rev’d Dr Shannon Ledbetter with Guest preacher Rev’d Jim Corrigan 

28th: Rev’d Dr Shannon Ledbetter 



7th: Janet Latham 

14th: Tony Cann 

21st: Vacant 

28th: Barry & Maureen Brown 


Padiham Chapel Anniversary Events and Service

All will be aware of this month’s special service at Padiham Chapel, celebrating both the 150th anniversary of the Chapel’s opening and the 200th anniversary of the founding of the congregation. The  service will commence at 4:00pm Saturday 27th April and will be led by  Rev’d Shannon. Former Padiham minister (and now London District  Minister) Rev’d Jim Corrigan will preach. 


A traditional tea will be served in the main hall/school room after the service. Please email either or to let them know if you would like to come,  and if you have any special dietary requirements, so we can plan the  catering. 


Anniversary Exhibitions - As part of our anniversary celebrations, there will be a series of digital  exhibitions held at Padiham Chapel that will explore the history of the  chapel and Unitarianism in the area. Drawing on material from Padiham Chapel’s amazing archive, we hope these will provide a  valuable insight into our shared history. 


An excerpt from the digital guided tour: “The first group of Unitarians formed early in 1800 as the town  began to grow. Padiham had about 2000 inhabitants at the  time. Soon the back room on Moor Lane became too small, and  the congregation raised the money to buy land and build a  chapel on West Street. We have the account book with the  entries of the money raised.(1822). The building was also used  as a school room, and soon a gallery was built for the growing  congregation. The expense was a big stretch for such a poor  congregation. The first professional Unitarian minister arrives  in 1859, Rev’d Adam Rushton.” 


The four exhibitions are entitled: 

  • The history of Padiham in the past 200 years 

  • The history of Unitarianism in Padiham over the past 200 years

  • Unitarianism explained 

  • The Chapel of children 

  • ​

They will run from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th April (full times available on  the following page), and refreshments will be available for visitors in the  Centenary school room throughout. We hope to see you at the chapel  over the above weekend to view the exhibitions and learn more about  our fascinating history! 


Other Events at Padiham 


Exploring Spirituality Discussion Group 

Exploring Spirituality, a discussion group led by Pamela Hopcroft and  Tony Cann, will begin on Thursday 4th April and meet on the first and  third Thursdays of the month for six sessions. The cost to attend is £5  per session or £25 for all six. For further information, contact Pamela at  07432 142154. 


Padiham Room Bookings and Events in April 

For up-to-date info on bookings or to hire a room, please contact 


Monday (Nothing on Mon 1st April as it’s a Bank Holiday)

6:30-7:30pm: Karate 

Knitting (only the 8th and 22nd) 


10:00am-12:00pm: Chair Exercise (only the 2nd and 16th) Chapel Committee (only on the 16th) 


9:00am-4:00pm: Railway Association (only on the 10th) 10:00am-12:00pm: Hugs for Free/Place of Welcome drop-in 6:30-7:30pm: Karate 

7:00-8:00pm: Yoga (Not on the 3rd) 

7:00-9:00pm: AA 


2:00pm onwards: U3A General Meeting (only on the 25th) 7:00-9:00 pm: Samba Drums 

Exploring Spirituality Discussion Group (only the 4th and 18th) Friday 

11:00am-12:00pm: Lancashire Leisure Keep Fit 

2:00-4:00pm: Drumming for Wellness (only on the 19th) 7:00pm onwards: Reiki 

Baby Massage 


Anniversary Services and Celebrations 

Friday 26th April 

12:00-7:00pm: Anniversary Exhibitions (refreshments available in  Centenary school room) 

Saturday 27th April 

12:00-3:00pm: Anniversary Exhibitions (refreshments available in  Centenary school room) 

4:00pm onwards: Anniversary Service followed by traditional tea Sunday 28th April 

12:00-5:00pm: Anniversary Exhibitions (refreshments available in  Centenary school room) 


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Charity number: 1174964



Lancashire Collaborative Ministry CIO, 2022

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